SMSF Accountants Tamworth

SMSF accountants Tamworth

SMSF ACCOUNTANTS TAMWORTH  Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) are private superannuation funds, which, when operated well and with full regard for all relevant laws and requirements, can be highly lucrative for those who choose to run them.  SMSFs can have as few as one or as many as four members, aka trustees, each of whom is liable for the fund’s … Read More

SMSF Accountants Campbelltown

SMSF Accountants Campbelltown

SMSF ACCOUNTANTS CAMPBELLTOWN  Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) are private superannuation funds, which can have between one and four members/trustees, and which give you more control over how your savings are invested for your retirement.   If you decide to start and run an SMSF, you and any fellow trustees are liable for your fund’s investment and tax decisions. Because SMSFs … Read More

SMSF Accountants Parramatta

SMSF Accountants Parramatta

What is a Self Managed Super Fund? Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) are private superannuation funds, which give you greater control over your financial and investment decisions when it comes to saving for your retirement.  An SMSF can have between one and four members, or trustees, each of whom are liable for the fund’s investment decisions. Because SMSF trustees must … Read More

SMSF Accountants Sydney

SMSF Accountant Sydney

SMSF ACCOUNTANTS SYDNEY  A Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) is a private superannuation fund. SMSFs allow you to control your finances and make your own decisions when it comes to saving for your retirement.  SMSFs can have as many as four members, who serve as trustees and take full legal responsibility for the fund’s operations.  Because SMSFs must abide by … Read More


Published 30 November 2018 Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty The announced Superannuation Guarantee amnesty is not currently in effect. The legislation has not yet passed. The proposed Amnesty will apply for twelve months from 24 May 2018 to 23 May 2018. Royal Commission into Banking and Financial Services The Royal Commission into the financial services industry has revealed many instances of financial … Read More

Winding up a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF)

Winding up a Self Managed Super Fund

Published 29 August 2018 Winding up a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) is the process of closing the fund down. There are a variety of reasons why people choose to close down an SMSF. Some reasons include: Divorce Relationship breakdowns (this can include siblings fighting, etc) Death There are no assets left Lack of time to run the fund anymore … Read More

Rental Property Travel Deductions

From the 1 July 2017, expenses for travel to residential investment properties are no longer deductible. You cannot claim a travel deduction if you are an individual, Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF), partnership or private trust. The issued media release stated that the change ‘is an integrity measure to address concerns that such deductions are being abused. This will rein … Read More

Super Guarantee Amnesty

There is around $2.8 billion of unpaid superannuation in Australia. Now it appears that the Government is finally trying to tackle the issue. Today the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services issued a media release outlining how the Government is going to address this issue. Legislation has been introduced providing a one off, twelve month amnesty for historical unpaid Superannuation … Read More

Federal Budget 2018-19

The key changes proposed for SMSFs, superannuation and business are: Three‑yearly audit cycle for some self‑managed superannuation funds The Government will change the annual SMSF audit requirement to a three yearly requirement for SMSFs with a history of good record keeping and compliance. The measure will start on 1 July 2019 for SMSF trustees that have a history of three consecutive … Read More

Superfect makes accessing your records simple

Superfect is happy to announce a newly designed and reimagined website. Accessing your account is now simple and secure. Simply select ‘Login’ from the menu above and enter your account details.